WOODLANDS Primary School has continued to make good progress since receiving top marks after an inspection last year.

Education Scotland says it is confident that the Irvine school can continue to improve and will make no more visits in connection with the previous inspection.

Elizabeth Paterson HM Inspector said: “Across the primary stages lessons are stimulating and set at the right level of difficulty for children. Teachers are skilled at using questioning to help children think and discuss what they are learning.

“In the Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) class positive steps have been taken to improve the environment for children’s learning. Significant positive changes have been made to the layout and the purchase of new resources has improved opportunities for children to become more involved in their play and learning.

“Planned improvements are in place to extend the range of activities to ensure they are challenging and relevant.

“The head teacher has taken a lead on planning with the staff team with the support of the new early learning senior practitioner.

“Together the senior practitioner and headteacher are providing clearer strategic management.

“There is a weekly meeting which staff value and which is helping to improve planning arrangements for children’s learning.

“There is a better emphasis placed on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing as a result.”

North Ayrshire Council will inform parents about the school’s progress as part of its arrangements for reporting on the quality of its schools.