Dalry bowlers’ bid to extend the clubhouse for new toilets and to benefit wheelchair-users has been given the greenlight

An application was submitted to construct a single storey rear extension to form additional toilet facilities, to include wheelchair accessible toilet.

North Ayrshire Council’s planning department approved the application with no conditions this month.

The club sought planning permission for a single-storey rear extension to form additional toilet facilities, to include a wheelchair accessible toilet.

The extension would measure 3.1m x 2.8m, with a footprint of 8.68sqm with materials consisting of white wet dash render and grey roofing felt to match the clubhouse building.

The report of handling states: “The proposal would provide additional toilet facilities, including a wheelchair accessible toilet, to an existing bowling club

“Though located to the rear of the existing building, given the location of the application site within a wider area of open space, the proposal would be visible from public viewpoints in the surrounding area.

“The proposal would, however, draw upon existing characteristics of the surrounding area including materials to match those of the existing building. Although, the proposal would include a flat roof, given the existing flat roof extensions within the application site, it is considered that the proposal would not have an adverse impact on the site or surrounding area and would contribute to the range of facilities within the bowling club for the benefit of people with mobility impairments.”