Latest data has shown that almost 90 per cent of adults in Ayrshire have received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

A map published on the government website shows that 89.4 per cent of adults have had at least their first jag, while 67.6 per cent have had both shots.

The Scottish average for first and second doses is currently 85.3 per cent and 61 per cent, respectively.

Irvine Times: Source - Gov.ukSource -

It come as both North and East Ayrshire saw a rise in the number of positive coronavirus cases in the past week, but South Ayrshire saw a drop.

Scotland recorded it's highest ever daily total of positive cases on Monday with 3,285.

Drop-in vaccine clinics are available across Ayrshire over the next few days to combat the overall rise in cases.

You can access the interactive map here.