A NEW archive of videos documenting more than half a century of life in Irvine has been released by the BBC for viewers to enjoy.

Seven videos shot in Irvine, dating from 1963 to 2016, can be viewed on the recently launched BBC Rewind service.

The archive displays a variety of people and events in the town throughout the decades with a clip of circus performers from 1963, a nine-minute video about the science industries in the town from 1978, and a segment on the Festival of Light from 2016.

Other videos such as a seven minute long profile of the city from 1965 and clip of a woman talking about her embroidery from the same year show what everyday life was like for people in the town nearly 60 years ago.

More than 1,000 videos of Scotland and upwards of 31,000 videos in total from across the UK can be viewed within the archive, which you can explore based on categories such as area and genre.

The whole archive can be accessed at the BBC Rewind website: www.bbcrewind.co.uk

Are you in any of the clips? Do you recognise anyone in the videos? Let us know.