A recently-launched children’s home near Kilwinning has been told to up its game in supporting young people following its first inspection by the industry watchdog.

Greenview opened in the converted former Fergushill church in the village of Benslie, just outside Kilwinning, last autumn and the unannounced visit by the Care Inspectorate took place in April this year.

A report on the findings, published last week, said “it was clear that the service was in its infancy” and several areas for improvement were noted.

Grading the quality of support for children and young people’s rights and wellbeing as ‘2 - weak’, the inspector noted that “transition planning was a strength of the service” and there was a “clear sense of vision evident from managers”.

However, the strengths identified were said to be outweighed or compromised by significant weaknesses.

The report said: “Allegations relating to staff had impacted early stage development of the service, however, the provider had taken quick and decisive action to remedy situations where staff practice fell below expected standards.

“The service was committed to improving induction and initial training for new staff and we will assess progress at the next inspection.

“Regardless, these issues meant that outcomes for some young people were poor.”

The inspector commended the service for supporting young people “respectfully and with sensitivity” when they sought reassurance from staff, however, it was noted that the educational and social needs of some service users had gone “partly unmet”.

The report said: “We also assessed ways in which young people were supported to share time together in the home and we asked the service to embed a more positive culture around meal times to promote a sense of belonging and wellbeing, within a shared environment.

“We sampled polices and identified that more robust measures must be in place to promote better outcomes for young people and to ensure their rights are upheld at all times.

“Risk assessment formed part of young people’s care and support but despite clear reduction in risk behaviours for all young people, the quality of assessment information lacked depth and clarity.”

Greenview, which had three young people living in it at the time of the inspection and can support up to five people aged between eight and 18, is described by operators Phoenix Abbey as being the “the perfect therapeutic environment to support children and young people, some of whom may have experienced significant trauma”.

The company had not responded to a request for comment by the time the Times went to press.