Members of Perceton Women's Institute (WI) reflected on the past year recently, as they held their AGM.

After the business on May 4, there was a bring and buy sale, then a chance to see again the film which was made for the group's 100th anniversary, earlier this year.

The prize winners were presented with their trophies.

Points: 1 Margaret Cuthbertson; 2 (equal) Sheena Murdoch and Marilyn
Morton; 4 Jacqueline Barclay.

Prize: 1 Margaret Cuthbertson; 2 Sheena Murdoch; 3 Marilyn Morton.
Sports trophy: Liz Craig

Article of the Year: Jacqueline Barclay

Member of the Year cup: Jean Miller.

The annual trip is on Monday, May 22 and is going to The Klondyke
Garden Centre at Polmont, then Callendar House, Falkirk. 

There are still seats available on the bus. Anyone interested, please phone the secretary on 01560 600650.