So, would he or wouldn’t he? Would Jesus like Vegemite (a bitter, tart tasting sandwich paste from Australia) were he to visit us in the flesh today?

For those who’ve not tried it, imagine something sharper than Marmite, or a dark brown spread from yeast extract that tastes like black salt. To my palate “disgusterous!” but to some of my Aussie pals, pure nectar.

At Fullarton we’re trying to identify and follow the real Jesus.

Trouble is that we’ve so many distorted images of Jesus: from the gentle, bearded lady Jesus, with long hair and glowing European skin to the buddy, buddy Jesus of the film ‘Dogma’ or the wooden, pan-faced, straight laced looking Jesus of so many Jesus films. 

By nature we tend to project a Jesus like us, to mould God in our image rather than allow the One True God to change and transform us.

We hope to let the real Jesus break us out of comfort zones, turn our world upside down and lead us in daily living.

The real cheek turning revolutionary who forgave enemies; the party animal Saviour who mixed with sinners; the irate wrecker of the peace who overturned temple tables because they stopped people coming to God; in the face of fear & failure the source of a calm which passes all understanding; the suffering servant who swallowed death to dance on the grave. Jesus, comforter of the disturbed and disturber of the comfortable.

Irvine Times: Fullarton Parish Church

Last week our men’s (Blokes Blog) and women’s (Martha’s and Marys) groups united in a BBQ and Games Night to which we invited friends.

What a hoot! Former PE teacher Babs had us flying around in teams, like swarms of midges on speed, and Ron had us using our grey matter to make word connections.

Andy and Adrian tended the BBQ like seasoned pros. Joan had marinated the chicken to perfection and concocted a spicey stringy onion salad dressing.

Like vegemite it wasn’t to everyone’s taste, but I loved it.

As the laid back and sharply competitive competed with shrieks of laughter I thought to myself how crazy and wonderful that God can bring such a diverse bunch of people together. Unlike a taste or distaste for Vegemite, God’s Love is the uniting cement and is for all.

So would the real Jesus include ‘Vegemite’ in his daily diet?

It might depend upon his company? What we can be sure of is that, when we allow the real Jesus to lead us, there will be lots of stretching surprises and life changing experiences.

Maybe I should give Vegemite another chance?