A 'Nae Fireworks Night' event at Whitelee Windfarm in East Ayrshire has been hailed as a success.

Run by the Whitelee Countryside Rangers, the evening gave people and dogs the chance to escape the loud bangs of fireworks out in the midst of the wind farm. 

Organisers estimate that over 1,000 people turned out to the night, which included ranger-led walks, and the visitor centre was open for tea, coffee and cake. 

A spokesperson for Whitelee Countryside Rangers said: "And just like that, another Nae Fireworks Night has been and gone. We were utterly blown away by the number of people who came along. 

"As usual the guys from Breaking Strain were utter pros with the parking management. We did reach capacity with around 900 to 1,000 cars on site, so unfortunately some folk may have missed out.

"Big thanks also to the Whitelee Windfarm Visitor Centre for opening up for everyone. We hope everyone had a more peaceful evening despite the deluge.

"Also big thanks to Animal Concern Ltd, The Scottish SPCA and RSPB Scotland for having their stalls. And finally, thanks to Scottish Power Renewables for supporting the night."