There has been a dramatic increase in speeding, drink driving and drug offences on North Ayrshire's roads, police figures have revealed.

Detections for drink and drug driving and speeding have risen during the period from April to September this year - by 32.1 per cent and 30.9 per cent respectively - compared to the same period in 2022.

Police Scotland say the rise is 'highly likely due to the continued proactive approach adopted by police in North Ayrshire when targeting road safety'.

Councillors at the police sub committee meeting at North Ayrshire Council were told that the police's increased pro-activity across the area helped ensure road users are driving appropriately and safely.

In terms of serious and fatal road accidents, there has been one fatal accident so far this year compared with three last year.

Seventeen people, including two children, were seriously injured - two fewer than the same period in 2022.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Road safety continues to be a key priority for both the police and communities of North Ayrshire.

"Local officers supported by Ayrshire's Road Policing Unit remain committed towards the pro-active targeting of speeders, drink/drug drivers and other road traffic offenders, in the constant pursuance of reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on Scotland’s Roads.

"During the reporting period, a number of locations have been identified within North Ayrshire which continually receive complaints of speeding from members of the public and local elected members.

"Daily speed checks have increased, ultimately resulting in a number of motorists being subject of conditional offers of fixed penalty, or alternative reports direct to the Procurator Fiscal.

"Officers from Ayrshire's road policing unit have worked in conjunction with local officers and partners such as North Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance, and the DVSA during the reporting period to positively influence road user behaviour."