A KIND-HEARTED Ayrshire fund-raiser has been officially recognised by MPs at Westminster for his hugely successful charity ventures.

Michael Kirkum, from Kilwinning, has received a certificate from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to mark winning a Points of Light award - although storms prevented him travelling to 10 Downing Street to receive the accolade in person.

Michael was named as a Points of Light Award winner in December - and we reported how he'd hung up after receiving a phone call from Downing Street, convinced that it was a hoax.

An Early Day Motion lodged at the House of Commons by North Ayrshire and Arran MP Patricia Gibson asks "that this House congratulates Michael Kirkum on recently receiving the Points of Light Award.”

It went on to describe him as an “outstanding volunteer” to raise money to secure Christmas gifts for children in University Hospital Crosshouse and other children’s groups, which has seen him dubbed as a “real-life” Santa Claus.

Irvine Times: Michael with his award and commendationMichael with his award and commendation (Image: Stewart McConnell)

The motion also described how he had reached his 20,000th child throughout all the campaigns last Christmas.

Mr Sunak’s letter thanked Michael for his “exceptional service”.

Michael said: “The motion in the Commons and certificate from the Prime Minister are dedicated to the people who help with the appeals.

"It’s nice the charity is recognised, although that’s not why I do it. 

“Of course it would have been nice to go to Number 10 for the awards ceremony but all the trains were off with the weather. Hopefully it will be rescheduled, as hardly any people got down. It would be good to meet like-minded people involved in fund-raising.

“We have £100,000 in donations from the Christmas and Easter appeals over 10 years and about £14,000 for this year.

"We are already working on the Easter appeal and would welcome any donations. With Easter being early we have only six weeks to go.

"Key Reservations in Ardrossan generously gave me £1,000 for the Christmas appeal and hopefully people who helped will support me again.”