AN IRVINE runner has his sights set on Benidorm after clocking a very impressive marathon time.

But Paul Lafferty isn't planning the trip for the beaches or bars.

Instead has his eyes on the popular holiday destination's famous half-marathon.

The Spanish municipality is next on the 32-year-old's agenda after a fruitful trip south to run the Brighton Marathon last month.

Paul, who is a member of the Irvine Running Club, put an in tremendous run that day, crossing the finish line a time of three hours, one minute and 59 seconds.

The impressive time is the result of more than a decade of hard work and dedication to the sport.

But for Paul it has all been worth it, as he uses running to overcome turbulent memories of his past.

He explained: "When I was 21 years old, after being bullied all my life, I decided I wanted to try do the something about it.

"That's why I took up running, and I hope if anyone is going through similar I can inspire them to get into running.

"Even though I am doing a lot in training for the Benidorm half marathon in November, running myself is still great fun, and it takes my mind off everything.

"It's just so cool and calm for the brain and body."