This week, we're looking back to the big Irvine and Kilwinning stories from May 2004.

Spot anyone you recognise in these pics from 20 years ago?

Irvine Times: Viva

West Ayrshire Sunday League side FC Viva picked up the First Division league trophy in May 2004 after a remarkable unbeaten season. The Irvine team were presented with the Hawkwind League trophy at Quarry Road after dumping Portland 3-0.

Irvine Times: Soldiers

Old soldiers gathered at Kilwinning Congregational Church in May 2004 to mark the anniversary of one of the British Army’s oldest regiments. The Cameronian Scottish Rifles were formed when the Cameronian Regiment and the Perthshire Light Infantry were combined, and the company’s colours were laid at the church the previous year.

Irvine Times: Trades

Members of Irvine Incorporated Trades took over the town’s Thistle Hotel for their annual May Ball in 2004. The Deacons and their wives were joined by over 100 members and invited guests for the big night.


Irvine Times: Stanecastle

Stanecastle School opened its doors to the Young Scot Sp@ce Roadshow in May 2004. The pupils were provided with access to new technology and had an opportunity to browse through the Young Scot website.

Irvine Times: Kilwinning

Kilwinning Academy Sixth Year pupil Emma Walker (left) was heading on the 10-week expedition of a lifetime to Fiji in July 2004 and was given a donation of £600 towards the trip by the school’s charities committee. She is seen here accepting the cheque from charities committee members and fellow pupils Fiona McCarlie, Kirsten Lynn and Rachael Kaur.

Irvine Times: Dreghorn Primary pupils held a dress down day for charity in 2004

Pupils at Dreghorn Primary enjoyed a dress down day in May 2004 to raise money for charity. The youngsters ditched their uniforms and pulled on all manner of fancy gear as they raised £100 for Asthma Research.