A vital Ayrshire charity has raised more than £25,000 from its first ever sponsored sleep out.

Harbour Ayrshire, which works with individuals recovering from addiction issues, was formed in 2022. 

It hosted its first ever sponsored Harbour Sleep Out, in partnership with Ayr United, Ayr Rugby Club and Ayr Cricket Club. 

The event at Dam Park Stadium on Friday, May 17 aimed to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness and addiction, and help raise funds to support the work of the charity. 

Staff from the charity say they have been "overwhelmed" by the support for the event, and have thanked those who slept out on the night. 

Irvine Times:

A spokesperson said: "Our volunteers and staff are overwhelmed with the donations and support we received for our first ever Harbour Sleep Out fundraising event

"The donations are still being counted and will be confirmed ASAP but we appear to be over the £25,000 mark.

"I think you will all agree that we had a fantastic night filled with community spirit but it really brought to light what some of the most vulnerable people in our society have to endure.

"These donations will allow us, as an organisation, to assist these people back into society and a new way of life."

Donations can still be made at www.justgiving.com/campaign/harboursleepout.