A REMARKABLE Kilwinning fundraiser is set to take on a 56-mile charity run for a second time.

Super-fit Graeme Johnston is set to run around the entire Isle of Arran on Friday, May 24.

He will be doing so in a bid to raise funds which will support the Arran Youth Foundations (AYF) charity, where he works as a youth work project manager.

This will be the second time Graeme has taken on the "torturous" task, having completed the same run in May last year for the charity.

On that occasion, he raised an impressive £5,000 for the AYF, five times his initial target, a figure he is hoping he can match this time around.

Though he had completed a number of testing runs in previous year, such as running the length of the River Ayr, he described the island test as the toughest he has ever taken on.

Graeme commented: "Running round Arran was by far the hardest challenge I've ever taken on.

"The only thing that got me through it - and the only reason I'd ever be daft enough to do it again - was the unbelievable kindness of supporters and the amazing amount we raised.

"I know how tough this will be so I've been training extra hard for the last wee while.

"More than any amount of training though, the thing that will get me round when I'm 30 miles in and still have another marathon to go, is if the fundraiser is climbing and climbing the way it did last time.

"I would greatly appreciate if folk can dig deep again for a great cause."

Irvine Times: Graeme took on the same task this time last year - describing it as the hardest challenge he has

Graeme's previous effort was documented on YouTube and showed just how gruelling the 56-mile (or 90 kilometre) run was.

The effort took the Kilwinning man just over 12 hours to complete as he navigated the route which also included an elevation gain of 1,084m.

Anyone looking to support Graeme's fundraising efforts can do so online at justgiving.com/campaign/arran.