PLANS to introduce 20mph limits on some North Ayrshire roads are being drawn up, the council has confirmed.

The introduction of these new limits in certain areas of the county are being drawn up as part of a national campaign.

At last week's full council meeting, North Coast councillor Todd Ferguson quizzed cabinet member Tony Gurney for an update on the plans to deliver the safer speed limit of 20mph by 2025 on all appropriate roads in built-up local areas.

Cllr Gurney said: “An assessment has been completed to identify roads suitable for the introduction of 20mph limits in residential and town centre areas. 

“Plans have been prepared indicating the proposals to reduce existing 30mph speed limits to 20mph where appropriate and maintain the 30mph speed limit at other locations. 

“The nature of the road, frontages, and the strategic nature of roads has been taken into account in developing proposals.

“Draft proposals have been submitted to Police Scotland and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) for initial comments, prior to finalising draft proposals for circulation and comment in June to elected members.”

Councillor Ferguson described the roll-out of the new lower speed limit in Wales, which cost £34 million, as a failure - stating that the ruling Labour Party there had to row back in their commitment to it.

Cllr Gurney replied that the scheme had not been the disaster, as suggested in Wales, and that safety was paramount and that this was the reason behind plans to reduce speed.

The cost of the project, locally, would be taken into account and determined at a later date.