Popular parish priest Father Willie Boyd is now recovering at home after suffering a mild heart attack.

And residents have passed on their best wishes to the man who served Irvine's St Mary's for 28 years before recently moving to Our Lady of the Assumption and St Meddans in Troon.

Willie's long-time friend and partner in song and dance, the Rev Neil Urquhart, was among them.

The duo have been part of the Shoes Brothers, who have come up with Christmas musical songs and videos for the past 13 years.

But they recently called it a day following Fr Boyd's transfer to Troon.

Neil, minister at the United Irvine Church of Scotland, said: “You may be aware that Fr Willie had a mild heart attack. He is home from hospital and doing well.

“But he has to rest, I don’t know when he will be coming back into work but it won’t be immediately.

"He is an active and fit man. I don’t know the circumstances of the heart attack but I’m sure he will bounce back in time.

"He will need to take it easy and get back to strength and look after himself, and people have to respect that.

“He has been in Irvine for 28-and-a-half years, and we have been good friends for a long time. We have worked well together in the Shoes Brothers.

“People are wishing him well.”

The Shoes Brothers page has been inundated with comments from well-wishers.

Rev Fraser Aitken said: “God bless Father Willie.”

Ronnie McGhie added: “Get well soon Willie.”

Added Alan Campbell: “Willie, you’re a top guy. Rest up and bounce back.”