This weekend saw the Magnum Open National figure skating competition return.

Skaters from all over the UK competed over three days at Auchenharvie Leisure Centre.

(Image: Magnum FSC)

Magnum Figure Skating Club, who organised and ran the event, saw huge successes not only through their individual members podiums, but by winning the overall Team Trophy.

Second place went to Olympia FSC and third to Moray FSC.

First skating competition for Imogen and Georgia (Image: Magnum FSC)

A club spokesperson said: "This year this is even more special to us due to the skaters of Kyle Figure Skating Club joining with Magnum when they lost their ice rink in Ayr last year.

"This exemplifies how well the skaters have come together as a team and continued to succeed through adversity.

Some of the coachesSome of the coaches (Image: Magnum FSC)

"This is just the beginning of the new skating season and we look forward to further success in the coming year."

Flower girls Aliyah, Aria and IonaFlower girls Aliyah, Aria and Iona (Image: Magnum FSC)

"If you would like to try our skating and join the team, we run a Learn to Skate programme with professional coaches on a Sunday.

(Image: Magnum FSC)

"Please email us on or contact us on Facebook if you would like to come along for a free taster lesson."

(Image: Magnum FSC)

(Image: Magnum FSC)

(Image: Magnum FSC)

(Image: Magnum FSC)